Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day Nineteen:

When were the happiest days of your life?

I'd say my happiest days have been over the last few months.  Basically, I'm so freakin' happy at the LC, its insane.  Like, yes there's drama, there's problems, but in the end, everyone gets over it, and we all still love each other, and are there for each other.

Being away from everyone makes me realize how lucky I am to have such amazing friends, and I just really miss everyone. Its the missing everyone that makes me realize that my happiest days are the one's I'm living right now.  Whoever said highschool was the best days of your life lied.  Because college is awesome. 

My happiest days are my bumming around with my friends days, doing nothing.  I love and appreciate every minute of it <3

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